IT Management — About Dr. Jim Anderson
Byline: Dr. Jim Anderson, “The IT Management Doctor”, wants to change how IT teams are managed. He wants to do away with situations in which skilled and talented IT professionals are plucked from technical jobs that they are good at and placed in management positions that they are not prepared for. Dr. Anderson wants to empower these IT managers with the skills that they need to lead teams of fellow IT professionals. Every IT manager can be a powerful and effective force for change within the company, they just need to be shown how to do it. Follow Dr. Anderson on Twitter at, learn more about him at his web page at, or watch him in action on his video channel at
Broadcast Bio: Dr. Jim Anderson, “The IT Management Doctor”, wants to change how IT teams are managed. He understands that the best people to manage IT professionals are other IT professionals — as long as they have been trained how to do it. Dr. Anderson wants to replace the image of an IT manager who can’t get things done with one of a dynamic leader who speaks the language of the business and who can lead an IT team to accomplishing great things. Dr. Anderson is a business communication expert who shows customers and audiences how they can transform IT teams from chaos to champions . You can find out more about him at and Welcome Dr. Anderson. What are the 3 things that most new IT managers are doing wrong today?
Full Bio: For more than 25 years Dr. Jim Anderson has been working in the IT industry. As he rose through the IT management ranks and worked with more and more IT managers, he quickly realized that something was wrong: IT managers had great technical skills but they didn’t know how to manage! Their training in school and past work experiences had not prepared them for the job that they now had. Dr. Anderson investigated what was going on here and he discovered that most IT managers were lacking a critical management skill: the ability to communicate well.
Dr. Anderson has been called the “IT Management Doctor” because he shows IT managers how to communicate their ideas in ways that their teams will understand and how to adopt the company’s goals and make them their teams goals. He has developed the Clear Blue IT Manager System ™ that is designed to help IT managers of all skill levels manage their teams better and develop effective communication skills. Using this system IT managers can enhance their relationships both with their teams as well as with the rest of the IT department.
Dr. Anderson is the author of a popular IT manager skills blog ( and newsletter with over 1,000 subscribers. He’s authored over 100 articles on managing IT teams and aligning them with the rest of the business and speaks to audiences around the country. He splits his time between Florida and New York and his hobbies include cooking which he is not very good at yet, trying to train an 80 pound boxer pup, and raising 3 children who like IT teams all seem to have a mind of their own. Follow Dr. Anderson on Twitter at, learn more about him at his web page at, or watch him in action on his video channel at
Media contact: Dr. Jim Anderson, 813.418.6970, jim@BlueElephantConsulting, or web site