
May 2, 2011

Dr. Jim Anderson Delivers "Become An Email Ninja" Training (w/Video)

Dr. Jim Anderson's Email Ninja Presentation

Dr. Jim Anderson's Email Ninja Presentation

How many emails do you send every day: 10, 50, 100, more? These days email seems to be the #1 way that we both send and get information. Too bad you never took a class in high school on how to do email right…

When you send an email to someone, what do you want them to do? You’d like them to open your email, read it, and then do what you want them to do — right? Now how often does that actually happen? I’m willing to bet that all too often you send an email off an it just vanishes never to be heard from again.

On Wednesday, April 20, 2011, Dr. Jim Anderson presented to a packed house how to create effective and powerful emails that get read and cause action to be taken. During the presentation Dr. Anderson showed how an email can be broken up into three components: subject line, body, and signature and how each of these can be used to enhance the overall power of an email.

As part of his presentation, Dr. Anderson distributed a 44-page guide to writing effective emails. The guide complemented Dr. Anderson’s talk and provided detailed instructions on the do’s and don’ts for creating emails that get results.

Here is a brief video that captures part of Dr. Anderson’s presentation:

Contact Blue Elephant Consulting

If you are interested in finding out more about how you and your team can communicate more effectively using email , get in contact with Blue Elephant Consulting in order to find out how a consulting or training program could be customized to meet your unique needs.



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