
March 27, 2010

Dr. Jim Anderson Delivers Keynote To Management Conference

Dr. Jim Anderson Delivers Keynote Speech To Verizon Managers

Dr. Jim Anderson Delivers Keynote Speech To Verizon Managers

Dr. Jim Anderson delivered his keynote address “The Future Belongs To You — If You Are Ready To Lead” to a packed house of Verizon IT managers on Tuesday, March 9th. As the global economy starts to once again wake up, his message was even more important to the next generation of IT leaders.The audience was a hand-selected group of high-potential IT managers who have been identified as being on the fast track to being  promoted. They have been accepted into an accelerated management training program that will expose them to a wide expanse of the company in order to  prepare them for future management assignments.

Dr. Anderson was asked to deliver his keynote speech as a part of the kick-off meeting in order to orientate the class and to establish shared goals for their training. During his keynote he took the time to review the class’ IT career’s so far: how had they made it to this point and did they have a plan for going forward? When it became clear they they didn’t, Dr. Anderson showed them how to create a personal plan that would help them achieve their goals.

After Dr. Anderson’s keynote speech was over, he then lead the managers in a team building exercise. Breaking the class into the teams that they’ll working in throughout the training, he supplied each team with a box of dry spaghetti and a bag of marshmallows. To find out what he had them do next, contact Blue Elephant Consulting…

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