Dr. Jim Anderson Hosts 3rd Annual Tampa Bay Engineer's Week Banquet
Dr. Jim Anderson hosted the 3rd annual Tampa Bay Engineering Week Banquet which was held on Friday, February 25th, 2011. Dr. Anderson acted as the ringmaster for the evening’s events which were attended by over 350 local engineers. He was responsible for coordinating the awarding of 27 separate awards, introduction of the evening’s keynote speaker, and basically keeping the show running on time.
This premier event brings together local leaders and engineering professionals to recognize the outstanding achievements of Engineers, Science Teachers, Math Teachers, and Students in our community. The theme of this year’s banquet was “Engineers Make a World of Difference“.
Awards were presented to outstanding engineers in each discipline, as well as local engineering students excelling in their engineering related studies. The banquet also features the Lignell Awards. These awards, named after a former Chairman for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), are given to local High School educators who are performing outstanding work in the instruction of the STEM topics (science, technology, engineering and math). The organizers of the event recognize the important role these individuals play in encouraging students to pursue technological degrees in college.
The banquet is a combination of efforts by 12 Enginering Societies of West Central Florida This event brings together professionals in all fields from all around Tampa and Florida’s west coast.
Setting a new personal record, Dr. Anderson was able to provide all of the award winners with their “moment in the sun” while at the same time being able to conclude the banquet by 9:30pm. Feedback from those in the attendance all agreed that this was the best Engineering Week Banquet ever.