
March 16, 2011

Dr. Jim Anderson Quoted In U.K Tech Journal

Dr. Jim Anderson Was Quoted In The U.K. Journal TechRadar

Dr. Jim Anderson Was Quoted In The U.K. Journal TechRadar

Dr. Jim Anderson was recently contacted in order to get his opinion on one of the more pressing communication issues of the day: what’s happened to all of the blogs? Dr. Anderson’s firm, Blue Elephant Consulting, has managed and published 6 separate blogs for the past four years. John Brandon from the U.K publication wanted to know how Blue Elephant had managed to keep it’s blogs active and lively while so many other blogs seem to have fallen by the wayside.

Dr. Anderson pointed out that although it is easy for anyone to start a blog, it is devilishly hard to keep one going week after week. Unless the writer has a passion for what they are writing about, they just won’t be able to stick with it. Blue Elephant Consulting cares deeply about how business communication is done and how to do it better. “It’s easy for us to keep our blogs humming along, our readers are always asking great questions or sharing new ways of solving existing communication problems”.

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If you are interested in finding out more about how you and your team can improve how you communicate and give technical presentations using the Clear Blue Technical Presentation System(tm), get in contact with Blue Elephant Consulting in order to find out how a consulting or training program could be customized to meet your unique needs.

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