
September 29, 2012

"Making The Jump" Book Is Now Available

The book "Making The Jump: How To Get Your First Job After College" is now available

The book “Making The Jump: How To Get Your First Job After College” is now available

Dr. Jim Anderson is proud to announce the publication of his latest book: “Making The Jump: How To Land Your Dream Job When You Get Out Of College!

Dr. Anderson has taught many college courses at multiple universities and the same thing happened to him over and over again: after each class was done, the students (especially, but not limited to, the seniors) would rush up to him and start to ask him questions about what the best way to get a job after college was. Dr. Anderson’s over 25 years of real-world work experience were a part of each of his classes and so the students naturally saw him as a source of much needed job selection, job interviewing, and career planning advice.

These one-on-one counseling sessions lead to Dr. Anderson being asked to give speeches to larger and larger student groups. The rooms were crowded and the students took many notes during Dr. Anderson’s presentations. Each event always seemed to go well over its scheduled time because the students had so many questions that they wanted to get answers to.

Dr. Anderson realized that there weren’t enough hours in the day for him to get all of that he knew about how best to make the transition from college life to the world of work out to the students and parents who had a desperate need for this information. To solve this problem, he sat down and wrote out everything that he had been telling his students about how to get a job after college. This information is now available in Kindle format from Amazon in the book “Making The Jump: How To Land Your Dream Job When You Get Out Of College!

If you are a college student, then this book was written for you. If you are the parent, grandparent, or just know a college student, then this is the book that you need to get for your college student!

Good luck!

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