
September 6, 2012

New "Reverse Auction Bidding" Training Video Is Available

You can win a reverse auction -- if you know the secrets!

You can win a reverse auction — if you know the secrets!

Dr. Jim Anderson is pleased to present his latest training video: “Reverse Auctions: Secrets To Winning“. This new video contains all of the information that a company or individual needs in order to prepare for, participate in, and (hopefully) win the next reverse auction that they are a part of.

More and more companies are turning to reverse auction bidding in order to select the vendors that they want to do business with. A quick survey of the Internet shows that more and more reverse auction sites are popping up everyday. Are you going to be ready when your best and biggest customer comes to you and tells you that that deal that you thought that you had locked up is now going to be awarded based on a reverse auction?

Looks like you had better become a “reverse auction expert” very quickly. Good news — Dr. Jim Anderson, the editor of “The Accidental Negotiator”, has just created exactly what you need. His new video training program, Reverse Auctions: Secrets To Winning, is packed with the up-to-date information that you need in order to do well the next time that you find yourself participating in a reverse auction.


Visit the Blue Elephant Consulting Store to get more information on how to purchase access to this vital video. Click here. Good luck!

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