Dr. Jim Anderson Addresses IEEE Region 3 Meeting
Dr. Jim Anderson spoke to the IEEE’s Region 3 management team during their Southeastcon 2010 conference. Dr. Anderson had been asked to speak about how the organization could increase its number of subscribers by engaging in active regional marketing and membership development activities.
IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional society dedicated to the advancement of technology. With well over 370,000 members who live and work in over 160 countries, IEEE has the world’s largest knowledge base on engineering and technology. Over 75,000 student members contribute to IEEE’s growth and ongoing vitality. IEEE facilitates and disseminates a wide variety of technology information by holding more than 350 international conferences annually and publishing over 30% of the world’s literature in electrical engineering and computing. IEEE also maintains a leadership role in engineering practice, offering more than 900 active industry standards.
IEEE Region 3 encompasses the southeastern United States and includes the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, areas of Indiana, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia and the country of Jamaica.
Dr. Anderson spoke to the Region 3 section chairmen as well as the section membership development chairs. He carefully laid out a 12-month program for how they could work at the local level to both attract new members and retain the members that they already had.
Many of the membership development chairmen were new to their positions. Dr. Anderson took the time to explain the various tools that they had available with which to accurately track their current membership numbers.
In his closing statements, Dr. Anderson reminded the chairmen that they were not alone — he was available to answer any questions that they might have and the IEEE organization was also standing behind them in order to make sure that they were successful.
If your organization needs to energize its front line workers in order to ensure that they will be successful, contact Blue Elephant Consulting to find out how we can help you to clearly communicate your message to them.