A new book has just been published by Dr. Jim Anderson and Blue Elephant Consulting: “Secrets To Organizing The Perfect Speech How to organize the best speech of your life!“ Organizing a speech is the first step in creating and delivering a powerful and effective speech. In order to organize […]
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Dr. Jim Anderson investigates how a speaker can persuade an audience to take action.
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So I’m not so sure that that title is clear, but basically what I’m talking about is delivering presentations to young people. I’m talking about elementary school age folks. Like 5-11 years old. Maybe the toughest crowd that you’ll ever have to face!
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Dr. Jim Anderson has been asked to deliver two speeches at the 16th Annual Pink Conference. The role that Blue Elephant Consulting plays in the IT industry has been recognized as being a thought leader and the organizers of the Pink Conference have asked Dr. Anderson to share some […]
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Political speeches, for the most part, are forgettable. Except when they aren’t. If you’ve spent any time listening to the types of speeches that politicians are giving these days, they are basically junk (the Phil Davison, GOP Candidate, Delivers Stark County Treasurer Speech on YouTube is a classic bad political […]
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Anytime we speak in public it can be a challenge that gets our heart racing and causes us to start to sweat. However, if you really want to take the stress up a notch, then just try talking to a group of teens and watch your heart either start to […]
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Dr. Jim Anderson shows how a speaker can memorize a speech of any length.
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Last week I had the opportunity to give the perfect speech. Now, you might be offended by this statement and are probably wondering just how I could become so full of myself, so perhaps I should explain myself.
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On Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011, Dr. Jim Anderson delivered a keynote address to a Verizon IT management training class. The purpose of Dr. Anderson’s speech was to share with the audience just exactly what they were signing themselves up for while they were enrolled in the 9-month training program. Most […]
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If you think about it, there are a lot of different types of speeches that we can give: humorous, informative, motivational, and of course, ones that are designed to get your audience to start thinking a particular way. Oh yeah, this last type just may be the hardest type of […]
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